미국 현지 채용 2018.05.25 16:42 [단기 인턴] VR Contents company / Social Media person, Web Programmer, Web Designer, Game Programmer 조회 수 260 Extra Form 채용공고 코드 o-7 진행상황 마감 VR Contents company [채용공고 코드: O-7] Intern SF Social Media person, Web Programmer, Web Designer, Game Programmer 기업소개 샌프란시스코에 위치한 VR 콘텐츠 스타트업 회사위치 SF 구인조건 Social Media person : Role: Will handle our social media channel in English and Korean. : Needs good communication skill both in English and Korean, : Needs to be good at drawing attention on social media, with creative idea. Web Programmer : Role : Handle our website. : Needs good understanding on : Node.js, Reactor.js : Needs to be able to speak english intermediate level Web Designer : Role : Handle our website design : Needs good understanding on CSS, HTML : Needs to be able to speak english intermediate level Game Programmer : Role : Making VR Game with us : Needs good understanding on Unity : Creative idea on making game will be helpful. 근무조건 단기인턴쉽 (한국 대학생, 미국 유학생 지원가능) 진행비용 이메일 문의: pluscareerkhj@gmail.com 지원방법 온라인 접수 (https://goo.gl/forms/jSwuRAmks83pcunN2) 미국계 회계법인 ***Tax accounting service / NY지역 2017.11.13by D 어카운팅 회사 / 회계 분야 / 캘리포니아 2022.07.11by Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest 이전 다음 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 목록 위로 이전 다음
VR Contents company [채용공고 코드: O-7] Intern SF Social Media person, Web Programmer, Web Designer, Game Programmer 기업소개 샌프란시스코에 위치한 VR 콘텐츠 스타트업 회사위치 SF 구인조건 Social Media person : Role: Will handle our social media channel in English and Korean. : Needs good communication skill both in English and Korean, : Needs to be good at drawing attention on social media, with creative idea. Web Programmer : Role : Handle our website. : Needs good understanding on : Node.js, Reactor.js : Needs to be able to speak english intermediate level Web Designer : Role : Handle our website design : Needs good understanding on CSS, HTML : Needs to be able to speak english intermediate level Game Programmer : Role : Making VR Game with us : Needs good understanding on Unity : Creative idea on making game will be helpful. 근무조건 단기인턴쉽 (한국 대학생, 미국 유학생 지원가능) 진행비용 이메일 문의: pluscareerkhj@gmail.com 지원방법 온라인 접수 (https://goo.gl/forms/jSwuRAmks83pcunN2)