한국에서 미국으로 2022.07.07 07:08 R 회계법인 / 어카운팅 분야 / 캘리포니아 조회 수 91 Extra Form 채용공고 코드 J-54 진행상황 접수중 Job Offer | 캘리포니아 회계법인 미국취업의 가장 빠른 길! 플러스커리어입니다. 캘리포니아에 위치한 R 회계법인에서 근무할 J-1 Staff Accountant를 모집합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. #회사소개 This company is offering accounting and tax preparation services to customers and small business owners located in and around Sherman Oaks, California. #위치 Sherman Oaks, California #포지션 J-1 Staff Accountant #지원자격 • Basic accounting knowledge including knowledge of U.S GAAP, or another accounting framework • Data entry skills • High attention to detail • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel • Produce work with a high level of accuracy • Professionalism and organization skills • Associates degree or at least one year of experience • Knowledge of QuickBooks or other accounting applications #담당업무 • Maintain an accurate record of financial transactions • Update and maintain the general ledger • Reconciliation of entries into the accounting system • Recording of debits and credits • Maintain the trial balance, by a reconciliation of general ledgers • Processing payroll for clients including issuing paystubs and preparing payroll reports • Processing sales tax returns 지원 및 상담신청 문의: / (한국) 02-561-6306 (미국) 917-460-1419 C 회계법인 / 어카운팅 분야 / 조지아 / $20(hour) 2022.07.07by Pluscareer H 뷰티 회사 / 어카운팅 분야 / 캘리포니아 / $17(hour) 2022.07.07by Pluscareer Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest 이전 다음 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 목록 위로 이전 다음
Job Offer | 캘리포니아 회계법인 미국취업의 가장 빠른 길! 플러스커리어입니다. 캘리포니아에 위치한 R 회계법인에서 근무할 J-1 Staff Accountant를 모집합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. #회사소개 This company is offering accounting and tax preparation services to customers and small business owners located in and around Sherman Oaks, California. #위치 Sherman Oaks, California #포지션 J-1 Staff Accountant #지원자격 • Basic accounting knowledge including knowledge of U.S GAAP, or another accounting framework • Data entry skills • High attention to detail • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel • Produce work with a high level of accuracy • Professionalism and organization skills • Associates degree or at least one year of experience • Knowledge of QuickBooks or other accounting applications #담당업무 • Maintain an accurate record of financial transactions • Update and maintain the general ledger • Reconciliation of entries into the accounting system • Recording of debits and credits • Maintain the trial balance, by a reconciliation of general ledgers • Processing payroll for clients including issuing paystubs and preparing payroll reports • Processing sales tax returns 지원 및 상담신청 문의: / (한국) 02-561-6306 (미국) 917-460-1419