한국에서 미국으로 2022.07.07 23:59 W 로지스틱스 회사 / 수출 분야 / 캘리포니아 / $20(hour) 조회 수 124 Extra Form 채용공고 코드 J-61 진행상황 접수중 Job Offer | 캘리포니아 로지스틱스 회사 미국취업의 가장 빠른 길! 플러스커리어입니다. 캘리포니아에 위치한 W 로지스틱스 회사에서 근무할 J-1 Export Coordinator Assistant를 모집합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. #회사소개 This company provides a global logistics hub to improve the way the importers and exporters across the globe formulate international freight strategies. This company continues to improve our services, implement new solutions, and build the best logistics hub to safely and efficiently connect our clients to the world. #위치 Hayward, CA #포지션 J-1 Export Coordinator Assistant #급여 $20/hr #지원자격 • Have a bachelor’s degree in Business, Logistics, Sales, Management, or related field • Be able to work well in a fast-paced environment • Be a passionate team player and detail-oriented • Have organizational, interpersonal communication, problem-solving, analytical skills • Be bilingual – Korean and English #담당업무 • Coordinate or tracks delivery progress of cargo and freight • Oversee personnel who load and deliver shipments • Advise clients on method so shipment, payment methods, invoicing and shipping documents needed • Coordinate or also negotiates the transport of goods with vendors and freight companies • Trouble shooting problems with delivery or damaged goods during the shipping process • Scan or enter all shipments into a computer system, calculate freight and postal rates, inspect and count all items processed through a sipping dock, and later verify items against each invoice • Attach identification codes, shipping instructions or address labels on outgoing and incoming freight 지원 및 상담신청 문의: / (한국) 02-561-6306 (미국) 917-460-1419 H 패션 회사 / 이커머스, 디자인 분야 / 캘리포니아 / $17(hour) 2022.07.07by Pluscareer C 패션 회사 / 생산관리, 세일즈 분야 / 뉴저지 / $16(hour) 2022.07.08by Pluscareer Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest 이전 다음 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 목록 위로 이전 다음
Job Offer | 캘리포니아 로지스틱스 회사 미국취업의 가장 빠른 길! 플러스커리어입니다. 캘리포니아에 위치한 W 로지스틱스 회사에서 근무할 J-1 Export Coordinator Assistant를 모집합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. #회사소개 This company provides a global logistics hub to improve the way the importers and exporters across the globe formulate international freight strategies. This company continues to improve our services, implement new solutions, and build the best logistics hub to safely and efficiently connect our clients to the world. #위치 Hayward, CA #포지션 J-1 Export Coordinator Assistant #급여 $20/hr #지원자격 • Have a bachelor’s degree in Business, Logistics, Sales, Management, or related field • Be able to work well in a fast-paced environment • Be a passionate team player and detail-oriented • Have organizational, interpersonal communication, problem-solving, analytical skills • Be bilingual – Korean and English #담당업무 • Coordinate or tracks delivery progress of cargo and freight • Oversee personnel who load and deliver shipments • Advise clients on method so shipment, payment methods, invoicing and shipping documents needed • Coordinate or also negotiates the transport of goods with vendors and freight companies • Trouble shooting problems with delivery or damaged goods during the shipping process • Scan or enter all shipments into a computer system, calculate freight and postal rates, inspect and count all items processed through a sipping dock, and later verify items against each invoice • Attach identification codes, shipping instructions or address labels on outgoing and incoming freight 지원 및 상담신청 문의: / (한국) 02-561-6306 (미국) 917-460-1419