한국에서 미국으로 2023.04.13 10:37 캘리포니아 최대 패션 회사 :: 미국계 기업 J-1 Production Assistant 모집 조회 수 471 Extra Form 채용공고 코드 J-92 진행상황 접수중 캘리포니아에 위치한 최대 규모의 미국계 패션 회사에서 근무할 J-1 Production Assistant을 모집하고 있으니 많은 관심과 지원 바랍니다. #회사소개 This company sells collections for women, men, curve, and kids and has 5 retail stores in California. #위치 Vernon, CA #포지션 J-1 Production Assistant #급여 $18-20/hr #근무기간 12-18개월 #지원자격 - Have a bachelor’s degree in Business, Fashion, or related field - Have strong organizational, communication, teamwork skills - Responsible, detail-oriented, and open to learning new things - Adapt to a fast-paced environment well #담당업무 - Support the Product Development team with sample and purchase order organization - Organize, count, and assess how many samples are in the Product Development team’s queue - Product development to track orders from purchase order to shipment on the work-in-progress (WIP) track - Handle inbound and outbound packages, samples on a daily basis 지원 및 상담신청 문의 (이메일) (전화) KR 02-561-6306 / US 917-460-1419 Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 목록 위로
캘리포니아에 위치한 최대 규모의 미국계 패션 회사에서 근무할 J-1 Production Assistant을 모집하고 있으니 많은 관심과 지원 바랍니다. #회사소개 This company sells collections for women, men, curve, and kids and has 5 retail stores in California. #위치 Vernon, CA #포지션 J-1 Production Assistant #급여 $18-20/hr #근무기간 12-18개월 #지원자격 - Have a bachelor’s degree in Business, Fashion, or related field - Have strong organizational, communication, teamwork skills - Responsible, detail-oriented, and open to learning new things - Adapt to a fast-paced environment well #담당업무 - Support the Product Development team with sample and purchase order organization - Organize, count, and assess how many samples are in the Product Development team’s queue - Product development to track orders from purchase order to shipment on the work-in-progress (WIP) track - Handle inbound and outbound packages, samples on a daily basis 지원 및 상담신청 문의 (이메일) (전화) KR 02-561-6306 / US 917-460-1419