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[PLUS Career 멘토링]

Big 4 회계법인 근무의 장점과 단점


흔히 말하는 “Big 4” 회계펌이란 초대형 글로벌 회계법인인 Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)를 가리키는 말입니다. 

회계분야 전공자라면 다들 익숙히 들어 왔을 Big 4 회계펌, 하지만 남들 따라 무작정 지원하기에 앞서, Big 4 근무의 장점과 단점에 대해 생각해 보고 자신에게 맞는 커리어 패스를 선택하는 것이 중요합니다. 





숫자로 알아 보는 Big 4

Big 4 회계법인 중 매출액이 가장 큰 회계법인은 PwC이며, 가장 많은 직원을 보유하고 있는 회사는 Deloitte, 직원 증가율이 가장 높은 회사는 E&Y입니다. 


  • The largest firm by revenues is PwC with $35.4 billion in 2015. Deloitte is close behind with $35.2 billion.

  • In terms of employees, Deloitte is the largest with 225,400 people in 2015.

  • E&Y is hiring the most with 12.3% employee growth.




Big 4 근무의 베네핏

1) 회사규모가 크기 때문에 다양한 고객과 다양한 케이스들을 접할 수 있습니다. 

2) 체계적인 직원 교육 시스템을 갖추고 있습니다. 

3) 다른 회사(Top기업) 이직을 위한 좋은 경력을 만들 수 있습니다.  


  • Big Four firms are large enough that you will be exposed to a wide variety of clients and a wide variety of business cases.

  • Big Four firms have the ability to invest more in the education and training of their employees.

  • Future employers know the challenge of getting into a Big Four firm and that you will be worked hard and trained well, so this holds a lot of weight.




Big 4 근무의 단점

회계법인 Big 4에서의 생활은 매우 경쟁적이며 도전적입니다. Big 4에서 일하고 있는 많은 사람들은 일과 삶의 균형이 깨지고 있다고 말하곤 합니다. 바쁜 시즌때는 휴식시간을 제대로 갖기가 힘들 수도 있습니다. 업무에 대한 높은 기대치는 스트레스로 작용하기도 하구요. 

또한 위계질서와 사내 정치가 어느정도 존재하기 때문에 본인의 성향에 따라 조직문화에 적응하기가 어려울수도 있습니다. 


  • Many who work at one of the Big Four firms say that there can be long hours and some say a lack of work-life balance. The potentially competitive nature of the firms or high expectations can amount to stress.

  • The seasonality of accounting means that certain times you cannot take time off when it is busy.

  • The corporate environment, including all that comes with it like hierarchy and internal politics, is not for everyone.




Big 4, 나랑 잘 맞을까?

It is best to find the company and environment that best suits you and aligns with your goals.

You have to know what your goals are in getting into an accounting track.

  • Do you want to become in the position of a manager?
  • Do you want to become a CFO in the future?



Working at a Big Four firm will definitely bolster your resume and provide good experience, but know that it is also not the only path. You do not want to follow the path because you just “hear” it is the best, but then be miserable working there everyday because it is not what you really want for yourself. Other factors like if you would like to work abroad or locally, and what your goals are also important to consider.







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